How to Smoothen Your Skin
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With winters just gone and the summers approaching fast, our skin is going to be the first victim of this extreme weather change. Let’s see how we can take care of our skin better to ensure it remains soft and healthy.

All of us have a different skin type. It may be dry, oily, sensitive, or a combination of these. There’s no One-Tip-Fits-All when it comes to skin health, but here’s a list of ways you can take care of your skin-

1.Home Care

Using a gentle cleanser followed by thick moisturisers help the skin to be hydrated and supple.

Exfoliation once in a week helps remove the dead skin cells and gives a smoother finish to the skin. You can choose to use homemade scrub packs with brown sugar and almond oil or sea salt along with essential oils that are not just easy to prepare, but also to use. In-office procedures such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion provide quicker and more drastic results.


Here ia step-by-step guide to proper shaving technique-

  • Wet the area to be shaved. This softens the hair making the entire procedure a lot easier. 
  • Make sure you’re using a shaving gel or cleansing milk.
  • With a fresh blade, shave in the direction of the hair growth. 
  • Rinse the blade frequently after every few swipes. 
  • Throw away the disposable razors after 5-7 shaves to minimise irritation.
3.Scrubbing and Exfoliation

Scrubbing or exfoliation is the process of removing the uppermost layer of dead skin cells. If not done properly, it could do more harm than good. It’s important to consider your skin type before choosing the right method. Mechanical exfoliation uses tools such as a brush, a loofah, or scrubs. Chemical exfoliation involves usage of alpha and beta hydroxy acids to gently dissolve the skin cells.

It’s very important to not overdo scrubbing as it can damage the skin barrier. Always follow exfoliation with a generous amount of moisturiser to keep skin healthy and hydrated.

4.Chemical Peels

Chemical peels for the body are available as either at-home or in-office solutions. They gently eat away the dead skin cells to reveal a smooth, rejuvenated, and glowy skin surface below. The procedure includes application of the peels, waiting for it to act, followed by rinsing of the peel. The type and the concentration of the peels depends upon the skin type, any prior skin conditions, and also on whether the procedure is being done in the office or at home. Salicylic acid, Lactic acid, Trichloroacetic acid and Glycolic acid are some of the common body peels.

5.Keratosis Pilaris (KP)

KP or sometimes known as ‘chicken skin’ is a common skin condition that causes patches of tiny bumps over upper arms, thighs, buttocks or cheeks. These bumps are actually collections of dead skin cells in hair follicles. Though harmless, it is a genetic condition which can run in the family. It can be associated with a form of eczema known as Atopic Dermatitis. There is no cure to the problem as such. But few creams containing urea, lactic acid, and retinol creams and procedures like chemical peels and microdermabrasion can help in improving the cosmetic appearance of the involved site.

6.Dry Brushing

Chemical peels for the body are available as either at-home or in-office solutions. They gently eat away the dead skin cells to reveal a smooth, rejuvenated, and glowy skin surface below. The procedure includes application of the peels, waiting for it to act, followed by rinsing of the peel. The type and the concentration of the peels depends upon the skin type, any prior skin conditions, and also on whether the procedure is being done in the office or at home. Salicylic acid, Lactic acid, Trichloroacetic acid and Glycolic acid are some of the common body peels.


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